After your bomb has gone off, you could hypothetically pick up all the pieces of it. If you add up the weight of all the pieces (including all particles), and compare it to the weight of your original bomb, you will find some mass missing. This mass has been converted into energy and this has created the destruction caused by your bomb. How much energy has been created is given by E=MC^2 where M stands for the missing mass and C for the speed of light.
It is about: 1.4142135622 squared = 2
X to the 2nd power is simply X squared, or X times X.
15 squared is 15 x 15 which equals 225.
The answer depends on what the question is!
82 = 64 To be read as "Eight squared equals sixty-four".
People Keep Nuclear Weapons As A Sense Of Power.
Japan has nuclear power plants but no nuclear weapons
The first Islamic country to have nuclear weapons was Pakistan.
No, Bosnia does not possess nuclear weapons. The country is a party to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and does not have any known or declared nuclear weapons program.
There is no nuclear power station in Northern Ireland or nuclear weapons.
Nuclear fuel for nuclear power reactors Nuclear weapons
Yes, nuclear weapons can be scrapped. The radioactive materials can be used in nuclear power plants.
nuclear waste is a by product of nuclear power plants, or in the creation of nuclear weapons.
15 to the 2nd power or 15 squared equals 15 * 15 which equals 225.
India is already a nuclear power, and they have nuclear weapons on hand. They have already made the decision to "encourage" nuclear weapons, and presumably for increasing their own security.
By 'devices' do you mean nuclear weapons, or peaceful uses of nuclear power?