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Yes. Draw the letter H on a piece of paper and turn it upside down. You'll notice that it still looks like an H. It does not have 90 degree (or 270 degree) rotational symmetry, though - if you turn it sideways, it looks like a weird elongated I.

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Q: Does H have 180 degrees rotational symmetry?
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Which letters have 180 degrees rotational symmetry?

H, I, N, O, S, X, and Z.

How do you know that a figure does not have rotational symmetry?

When you rotate it around a point found in the middle of the figure 180 degrees. For example, H does have rotational symmetry however, E doesn't

Which 7 uppercase letters have rotational symmetry?

Assuming "rotational symmetry" means looks identical when rotated 180 degrees. H I N O S X Z

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Which letter has rotational symmetry?

yes, it has a rotational symmetry of 180 degrees, and of course 360. like if you flipped it upside down, then put it on top of the other one it would look the same. just not a lowercase.

What three letters of the alphabet have 180 degree rotational symmetry?

H, I, N, S, X and Z. I make that 6, not 3! And O has 180 degree symmetry and more!

Which type of symmetry is displayed by the letter H?

Linear (horizontal as well as vertical), plus rotational (180 deg).

Does z have rotational symmetry but no line symmetry?

The letters H and Z have both line symmetry and rotational symmetry

Which uppercase letters in the alphabet have rotational symmetry?

H, I, O, and X have rotational symmetry.

What us the order of rotational symmetry of letter H?

The letter H has a rotational symmetry of order 2, meaning it looks the same after a 180-degree rotation.

What is the rotational symmetry of H?

It is 2.

Does the letter h have reotational symmetry?

A lower-case 'h' has rotational symmetry. An upper-case 'H' also has reflective symmetry.