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Q: Does Louisiana have more alligators than any other state?
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The state that has more land is Vermont

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Louisiana grows more rice compared to Pennsylvania. Louisiana is one of the leading rice-producing states in the U.S., with a climate and soil conditions that are well-suited for rice cultivation. On the other hand, Pennsylvania does not have as much acreage devoted to rice farming.

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Does Louisiana have more wild alligators than Florida?

Both states have over one million gators, so that's hard to say.

Do you pay more for Louisiana State University if you are out of state?

Yes,you pay more for any university if your out of state

What will likely happen to alligators if more of the wetland are destroyed?

they will love each other

What state produced more corn in 2000 Louisiana Mississippi or Arkansas?

Louisiana (see link below)

How many islands does the state of Louisiana have?

Louisiana has 466 islands. See the Related Link below for more information.

Are alligators running out of food?

Alligators population is being controlled by the hunting season. Less alligators more food for them.

Do alligators live in lakes?

They can survive in one at a right temperature. But alligators are more adapted to live in shallow rivers and marshes rather than in lakes.

In what US state are more black people?

I think it is either Louisiana or Georgia

Can alligators climb trees?

Alligators are typically not agile climbers and cannot climb trees with ease. They are more suited to moving in water or on land. However, there have been rare instances where alligators have been observed climbing low branches or embankments.