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Q: Does TENS help with phantom limb?
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Does transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation help with phantom limb?


When was Phantom Limb - band - created?

Phantom Limb - band - was created on 2008-08-25.

What actors and actresses appeared in On a Phantom Limb - 2009?

The cast of On a Phantom Limb - 2009 includes: Debra Andrews

How common is phantom limb syndrome?

The incidence of phantom limb pain is estimated in 50-80% of all amputees. Phantom limb sensation is more frequent and occurs in all amputees at some point.

What actors and actresses appeared in Phantom Limb - 2011?

The cast of Phantom Limb - 2011 includes: Lindsay Eure as Moviestar

What actors and actresses appeared in Phantom Limb - 2012?

The cast of Phantom Limb - 2012 includes: Brad Coffey as Jeffery

What does the medical term 'Phantom Limb' refer to?

Phantom Limb syndrome is the perception of sensations, usually including pain, in a limb that has been amputated. Patients with this conditions experience the limb as if it were still attached to the body.

What is phantom sensation?

One created by the mind usually for a missing limb or phantom./

What actors and actresses appeared in Phantom Limb - 2005?

The cast of Phantom Limb - 2005 includes: Beverly Berning Tyler Cassity Chris Cornet

What is the condition known as phantom limb?

It occurs when a person feels pin in a limb that has been amputated.

What are the gender differences in phantom limb syndrome?

There is no known association with age, gender, or which limb is amputated.

How can you use the word phantom in a sentence?

The phantom footsteps echoed through the empty hallway, sending shivers down my spine.