Mechanical work is the amount of energy transferred by a force. Like energy, it is a scalar quantity, with SI units of joules.
Newton x meter is joules. (Please note that Nm is also used for torque; in this case, it happens to have the same units, but it is unrelated to energy, and can therefore not be converted to energy units.)
To work out the Ratio of something, you have to compare numbers or quantities in the same units. For e.g.1m to 10cm, for this you first have to convert them so they become the same units, which will be100cm to 10cm. Which is written as:100:10 (100cm:10cm or 1m:10cm)
Answer #1: Joules (J) or Newton metres (Nm)==================================Answer #2: Energy
Yes, work and energy have the same units. Both work and energy are measured in joules (J) in the International System of Units (SI).
Yes, the units for work and energy are equivalent. Both work and energy are measured in joules (J) in the International System of Units (SI). Work is the transfer of energy, so it makes sense that they share the same unit of measurement.
Work and energy use the same units; but the term "work" is used in the sense of "transfer of energy" (amount of energy transferred).
The units for work are joules, which is equivalent to a newton-meter. The units for potential energy and kinetic energy are also joules.
Energy and work have the same units (joules) because work is the transfer of energy from one form to another. When work is done on an object, energy is either transferred into or out of the object. This transfer of energy is what causes change in the object's state.
Work is simply the transfer of energy. Both work and energy are measured in the same units, for example, Joules.
Work is measured in the same units as energy, which is joules (J) in the International System of Units (SI) or foot-pounds (ft-lb) in the imperial system. Work is defined as the transfer of energy when a force acts on an object and displaces it in the direction of the force.
Work is transfer of energy, so it has the same units as energy. Power is the amount of energy transferred per unit time, so it does not have the same units of energy. Rather, its units are energy/time.
work and energy have same unit which is jole denoted by "J"
Momentum does not have the same units as the others. Kinetic energy is measured in joules, potential energy in joules, work in joules, but momentum is measured in kilogram meters per second (kg m/s).
Energy is the scalar equivalent of work. Both work and energy are measured in the same units (joules) and represent the capacity to do work or the transfer of energy from one system to another.