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Q: Does a Response questions always have only one correct answer.?
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You should always read every response before picking an answer on a multiple-choice question because?

A response may seem correct when it is only partially correct apex

Why should you always read every response before picking an answer on a multiple-choice question?

Some responses might be very similar to each other.Some answers are partially correct, but only one is completely correct.

What reservations or considerations do you have about working for this company?

This is not a trap question, but is rather an opportunity for you to get a few of your questions answered by the interviewer. There is only one correct response on your part .. Your response MUST be: "None !! I am anxious to get started .. when will I know if I have the job?" Note: if you have any actual reservations about working for this company, keep them to yourself, the interview is not the place to express your reservations. And, if you get a job offer from them, you can always turn it down later. This response should also give you ample opportunities for follow up questions like "may I have your email if I think of any followup questions?". Or if you have developed good rapport "how do you like working here?"

If you want a pet to retain a trick for a long time it is better that your reward it for each correct response it makes than rewarding it only periodically?

Yes... it is WAY better if you reward it every time it makes a correct response then if you only do it periodically.

Are there rhetorical questions in i was only 19?

Yes, there are rhetorical questions in the song "I Was Only 19" by Redgum. Rhetorical questions are used to evoke a response from the listener and create a sense of reflection on the themes of war and its impact on soldiers.

Are your awnsers always true?

Only when your spelling is correct.

Do answers exist or are there only questions?

Answers do exist but there will always be more questions than answers.

Is it correct he always help you?

No. The correct sentence is: He always helps you. "He" almost always takes a verb that ends with "s" in the present tense. The only exception I can think of to this rule is "can", i.e. He can always help you.

What is the purpose of a live messenger?

A live messanger is in a position to not only relay a message but to respond to questions. They can also relay back any questions that they are asked in response to their message.

If you want e pet to retain a trick for a long time it is better that you reward it for each correct response it makes than rewarding it only periodically?

Always, always, ALWAYS reward a pet (be it with food or praise) immediately after they exhibit the correct behavior (sit, lay down, come, ect.). If you wait, or never give the praise at all, the dog does not make the connection, i.e.: come = reward.

Do you always have to invert the second fraction when dividing?

No. Only if you want to get the correct answer.

Why can't this site get any questions right?

Only some of the answers on this site are incorrect, but the other portion of the answers are correct. All of the questions I have answered ae correct. I know thast for a fact because I do research on the questions before I answer them. -Eugenie de Silva