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It has 3 pairs of walking legs.

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Q: Does a butterfly have 3 pairs of walking legs or more than 3 pairs?
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How many legs do a butterfly?

Three pairs of legs, totalling six legs on the entire insect.

How much legs does a normal sized centipede have plzzzzzzzzz tell me i need to do it for homework?

Centipedes, which are members of the class Chilopoda, always have an uneven number of pairs of walking legs, ranging from 15 to more than 171. The true centipedes (order Scolopendromorpha) have either 21 or 23 pairs of legs. Common house centipedes (Scutigera coleoptrato) have 15 pairs of legs.I think they will most likely be asking the amount of legs for the common house ones so it would be 15 pairs of legs.:)

Which legs does the grasshopper use to jump?

The grasshopper has three pairs of legs. The front pair is used for both walking and holding food as well as climbing. The middle pair is used for walking and climbing. The back pair is used for jumping only.

How many appendages does a centipede have?

A centipede can have anywhere from 30 to 354 pairs of legs, depending on the species. Each body segment typically has one pair of legs attached.

Will you lose more weight walking on a treadmill or rollerblading uphill?

Rollerblading because your moving ur legs and it is more and your legs will lose calories and so will the other places on your body

How do crustaceans arachnids and centipedes and millipedes differ?

A crustacean is an arthropod that has two or three body sections, five or more pairs of legs, and two pairs of antennae. Arachnids are arthropods with two body sections, four pairs of legs, and no antennae. Arachnids are arthropods with two body sections, four pairs of legs, and no antennae.

What are the energy roles of a Baltimore checkerspot butterfly?

The Baltimore Checkerspot Butterfly has very short legs. In terms of energy, it is much more efficient for the butterfly to fly rather than walk.

Can you get thin legs even though fat legs are hereditary and how?

Yes, you would just have to work more for it. Tone your legs with running, stair stepping, or even walking. Actually, a person's legs are easier to tone and thin because a person does the most exercise with their legs (walking, even standing).

Do gorillas have 4 legs?

No, they only have 2 legs. but they are using their hands as feets to be more balanced while walking or standing still.

What is a behavioral adaptation of a Baltimore checkerspot butterfly?

One is they have short legs so they fly more often then walk.

How many walking legs are generally presented in insects?

Six. If has more or fewer, it isn't an insect.

What phylum includes animals that have a head thorax and abdomen and three or more pairs of legs?

The phylum that includes animals with a head, thorax, and abdomen, and three or more pairs of legs is Arthropoda. This phylum encompasses a wide range of invertebrate animals, including insects, spiders, crustaceans, and millipedes.