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Yes, a cord that is a diameter always passes through the center of a circle. And it's also the longest cord of that circle.

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Q: Does a cord that is a diameter always pass through the center of the circle?
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Is The diameter of a circle is a chord that does not always pass through the center of the circle.?

The diameter of a circle is a circle's largest chord.

What always runs through the center of the circle?


Is a diameter always a chord in a circle?

Yes, a diameter is a chord that passes through the center of a circle.

Does a diameter always sometimes or never passes through the center of the circle?

The diameter ALWAYS passes through the center of a circle. If it stopped at the center point, it would be a radius, and if it didn't do either, it would be chord.

Do diameters pass through the center of a circle?

Yes a diameter will ALWAYS pass through the center

Does a diameter pass through the center of the circle?

yes a diameter passes through the center of a circle

Is a chord always equal to the length of the diameter?

No; actually, the diameter is a chord that goes through the center of a circle.

Can the diameter of a circle pass through the center of a circle?

A diameter of a circle must pass through the center of that circle. A cord is a line segment that has its endpoints on the circumference of a circle. It can be any line segment. If that cord also passes through the center of the circle, it is said to be a diameter of that circle. A diameter of a circle is the longest cord of the circle.

Why is the diameter of the sphere is always located in the muddle?

That's the definition of 'diameter' ... the chord that passes through the center of the circle.

Is diameter always a chord?

Well, a diameter in a circle is a line that is symmetrical and runs through the center. A chord DOES NOT run through the center of any cirlcle. So, in all usual senses NO. A chord always sections off a "corner" of a circle. my opinion is no because a chord always sections of a circle.

Is A radius is an angle that connects to any point on the circle to the center of that circle?

The question is: Is A radius is an angle that connects to any point on the circle to the center of that circle? A Radius is a straight line coming from any point of the circle to the center of the circle. And remember that the Diameter is a straight line coming from any point of the circle and going straight through the center to the other side of the circle. The Radius is ALWAYS half of the Diameter; and, the Diameter is ALWAYS twice the Radius.

What is a cord that goes through the center of a circle?

A chord that passes through the center of a circle is its diameter.