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The credit balance is a positive real number and as such it should not have a minus sign in front.


If this is about an asset, then this is an amount you owe (you do not have and you are liable to) otherwise if this is for a liability, then this is an amount others owe to you. Example: a credit balance in a tellers (cashier) account is not having a minus in front of it (since it is a positive number) but it means that the cashier is owing money to the till, since the cashier's account is an asset.

If you want to reverse a credit balance then you CREDIT again the same amount with a minus in front (you shall NOT debit the same amount, as this is another transaction and not a reversal). Example:

Account 1







..............400 <-- This is a credit balance (it shall be unsigned).

Reverse transaction No 3 from Account 1 which concerns a loan (just an example)

Account 1_____________Loans


........-270 reversal .......... 270

Now, this is the image of the same account

Account 1








................130 <-- This is the new credit balance (also unsigned).


A credit balance never has a minus in front. A general ledger account usually can have reversals which are negative amounts on the credit (or debit) side, but this is not called 'credit balance'

A balance can sometimes drop below zero, in which case (a) it will have a minus in front and (b) it will not be a 'credit' balance of course, but rather a debit one.

Hope this helps.


dots (....) and underlines (____) only added for visibility/readability purposes they are not contributing to the answer - Thank you.

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Q: Does a credit balance have a minus sign in front?
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