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Yes, it does.

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Q: Does a even number always end in 0246 or 8?
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When you times by 5 the answer is always even?

if you multiply an even number by 5 then it will always end in 0 but if you multiply an odd number by 5 then it will always end in 5.

What do multiples of 2 always end in?

an even number

Do multiples of 2 only end in 0246 or 8 true or false?


Is the answer to 444441 even or odd?

odd. because you always look at the end number and see if its even or odd.

Can a multiple of 4 ever end in a 7?

No because multiples of for always end in even numbers and seven is an odd number.

Is 350 an even or odd number?

350 is an even number. You can tell even numbers because they are multiples of 2. They always end with 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8.

When a number is doubled it is always even why?

When you double any number you are in-fact multiplying it by 2 which is an even number. All even numbers are multiples of 2. When a number is doubled, it is multiplied by 2 and so the result is always a multiple of 2. Thus it must always be an even number.

What number is the end of the numbers?

numbers are infinite! If you can find a number, you can always add 1 to it and carry on. The numbers we don't even have a name!!

What number is always at the end of a telephone?

What number is always at the end of a telephone?The answer should be one.... teleph(ONE)

Is 156 a even number?

yes, it has an even number at the end of the number

Is the product of 5 and any number always odd?

No. If the number by which you multiply 5 is even, the product will always end in "0" and will be even:5 x 2 = 105 x 8 = 405 x 18 = 90If the number by which you multiply 5 is odd, the product will always end in "5" and will be odd:5 x 3 = 155 x 9 = 455 x 31 = 155

Why can't a number ending in 3 be a multiple of 4?

Even numbers are the multiples of 2 and are those numbers which end with one of {0, 2, 4, 6, 8}; odd numbers are those which are not multiples of two and are those numbers which end with {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}. When an even number is multiplied by an even or odd number the result is always an even number. 4 is an even number; thus all its multiples are even numbers. Any number that ends with a 3 is an odd number. There are no numbers which are both odd and even; therefore no multiple of 4 can end in a 3.