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Q: Does a hendecagon tessellate
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How do you call a shape with 11 sides?


What is a 11 sides shape called?

A 11 sided shape is called a hendecagon.

Is hendecagon a word?

Yes - a hendecagon is a polygon with 11 sides.

How many sides the hendecagon have?

The hendecagon is a polygon with eleven sides.

How may sides does a hendecagon have?

An hendecagon is an 11 sided polygon

Is a hendecagon 3D?

No, a hendecagon is a polygon (2-dimentional) with eleven sides.

How many lines of symetry does a hendecagon have?

A hendecagon has 11 lines of symmetry.

What is a hendecagon?

A hendecagon (also undecagon) is a polygon with eleven edges and eleven angles.

Is their an 11 sided polygon?

The name of a 11 sided polygon is Hendecagon.

How many pairs of parallel sides are there in a hendecagon?

A right hendecagon can have no parallel sides because there are eleven sides to a hendecagon. It is not a requirement that there be any pairs of parallel sides in an irregular hendecagon, although there could be one or more pairs.

What is the angle size of a regular Hendecagon?

regular hendecagon has internal angles of 147.27 degrees. The area of a regular hendecagon with side length a is given byA regular hendecagon is not constructible with compass and straightedge; this animation shows an approximation:

What is the shape with at least 1 line of symmetry 11 sides and a 2d shape?

A regular hendecagon is one possible answer.A regular hendecagon is one possible answer.A regular hendecagon is one possible answer.A regular hendecagon is one possible answer.