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Q: Does a normal human spine have one natural curve?
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Which is a normal curve found in a spine that is properly aligned?

Lumbar lordosis

Loss of lumbar lordosis?

Lordosis is a backward curvature of the spine, while kyphosis is a forward curvature of the spine. The term lumbar referrs to the lower back. In the lumbar region the back is supposed to have lordosis. So loss of lordosis is when the natural curvature of the spine is absent. In other words, instead of the normal and necessary inward curve, the spine is straight. This can lead to misalignment of the pelvis causing lower back or knee pain.

Why does the spine curve during pregnancy?

Your spine naturally has curves even before pregnancy. The spine consist of 4 specific curves: Cervical curve, Thoracic curve, Lumbar curve, and Pelvic Curve Curves in the spine provide support for the weight in the human body, and also make it easy to balance this weight. The spine also help balance your head and give structure support to your ribs. It may seem like you notice the curves more since you have "extra baggage" that may put pressure on spine.

What are the 3 natural curves of the spine?

The three natural curves of the spine are the cervical curve (concave), the thoracic curve (convex), and the lumbar curve (concave). These curves help to provide stability and support to the spine, allowing it to absorb shock and maintain balance.

What is the function of the normal S curve of the spine?

The normal S curve of the spine helps to distribute weight evenly, absorb shock, and maintain balance. It also allows for flexibility and helps to reduce the risk of injury during movement.

Where is the thoracic curve?

The thoracic curve is located in the middle part of the spine, specifically in the region corresponding to the chest or thorax. It consists of 12 vertebral segments that make up the upper and middle back.

Is cervical lordosis an early stage of osteoporosis?

No, a cervical lordosis is the normal curve of your cervical spine (neck).

What is the difference between spine and spline?

spine is reference direction and spline is curve, but in GSD spine is curve passing through plane.

What is the medical term for anterior curvature of the spine?

The medical term for anterior curvature of the spine is lordosis. It is a normal curve in the cervical and lumbar regions of the spine that helps distribute weight and maintain balance.

What famous person has kyphosis?

We all have a kyphosis in our thoracic is the normal curve. As such, your question likely needs more detail.

Is scoliosis a backwards curve of the spine?

No. Scoliosis is a sideways curve of the spine. Mine looks like the letter S from behind.

In what ways do kyphosis scoliosis and lordosis differ from each other?

Lordosis is the flattening of the natural curve in the lumbar spine, or "flat back." That natural curve is the slight S shape that you see in someone's back when they stand sideways or lie down on their stomachs. Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine. With scoliosis, the vertebrae make an S or C shape when viewed head-on.