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Not as a regular 5 sided pentagon but quite possible as an irregular pentagon.

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Q: Does a pentagon have parallel or perpendicular sides?
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Can you draw a pentagon with parallel and perpendicular sides?

---- == == ---- == == ---- == == ---- == == Yes.

What does a pentagon with perpendicular and parallel sides look like?

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Does a pentagon have perpendicular sides?

A regular pentagon does not have any perpendicular sides. A pentagon is made up of five sides. An irregular pentagon which has sides that are not equal may have a perpendicular side.

Can the sides of a pentagon be parallel?

As a regular 5 sided pentagon it has no parallel sides but as an irregular pentagon it can be shaped to have parallel sides.

Are pentagon sides parallel?

As a regular 5 sided pentagon it has no parallel sides but as an irregular pentagon it can be shaped to have parallel sides.

How many perpendicular sides does a pentagon have?

A regular pentagon has zero perpendicular sides. If it is irregular, it could have as many as 2 or 4 perpendicular sides.

How many pairs of parallel sides does a pentagon have?

a pentagon has no parallel sides

Does a rhombus have parallel and perpendicular sides?

It has parallel sides, but not perpendicular.

Does a pentagon have parallel and perpendicular lines?

A regular pentagon does not. An irregular pentagon can.

Does a regular pentagon have parallel sides?

No, none of the sides are parallel on a regular pentagon.

Does a pentogon have parallel and perpendicular diagonals?

It can if it's irregular. But if it is a regular pentagon (all sides and angles equal) then no, neither.

Which shape has some perpendicular sides but no parallel sides?

a right triangle, a pentagon w/ a right angle, alot of shapes with right angles.