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Q: Does a polygon always have the same number of vertices as sides?
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A polygon has 12 sides how many vertices does the polygon have?

Twelve. The number of sides and vertices in a polygon are always the same.

What 2 advanced polygons have the same number of sides and vertices?

The number of sides and vertices in any polygon is always the same.

Do the number of vertices always equal the number of sides?

In a simple polygon, yes.

Does a polygon usually have more sides or more angels?

Any polygon has the same number of angles as its sides.

A polygon has fourteen vertices How many sides does the polygon have?

Fourteen. Each polygons has the same number of sides as it has vertices. Therefore, a polygon with 14 vertices must have 14 sides.

What is two polygons by the number of vertices and sides each has?

A polygon with three vertices and three sides is a triangle. A polygon with four vertices and four sides is a quadrilateral.

Which figures have the same number of sides vertices and angles?

Vertices and angles are the same thing. Any polygon has an equal number of sides and vertices (and, therefore, angles).Vertices and angles are the same thing. Any polygon has an equal number of sides and vertices (and, therefore, angles).Vertices and angles are the same thing. Any polygon has an equal number of sides and vertices (and, therefore, angles).Vertices and angles are the same thing. Any polygon has an equal number of sides and vertices (and, therefore, angles).

How does the number of vertices of a polygon compare to the number of sides of the same polygon?

They are equal.

How many vertices does a seven-sided polygon have?

A polygon has the same amount of vertices as it does sides, so it would have 7 vertices.

What is the definition for opposite vertices?

Opposite vertices are two vertices of any polygon with an even number of sides that have the same number of sides between them.

How many vertices would a 20 sided polygon have and why?

20, because a polygon has the same number of sides and vertices.

Describe two polygons with vertices and sides?

A triangle is the simplest polygon with three vertices and 3 sides. A dodecahedron has 12 vertices and 12 sides. There is no limit to the number of vertices and sides that a polygon can have - except that the two numbers must be the same.