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No not always as for example a 3 sided triangle has no parallel sides

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Q: Does a polygon have at least two parallel sides?
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Related questions

What shape has two parallel sides and at least two perpendicular sides?

A polygon with four or more sides can meet these requirement.

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Does a polygon have two pairs of parallel sides?

Not all polygon have two pairs of parallel sides. For example, a square will, but not a triangle.

What is a four-sided polygon with two congruent parallel sides?

A square is a four-sided polygon with two congruent parallel sides.

What four sided shape has two pararallel sides?

A square is a regular polygon with two sets of parallel sides. A parallelogram is an irregular polygon with one set of parallel sides. A rhombus is an irregular polygon with two sets of parallel sides. A rectangle is an irregular polygon with two sets of parallel sides. *Note - a regular polygon is a shape in which all sides are equal in length and all angles are equal in measurement.

Which polygons have two parallel sides?

Any polygon with 4 or more sides can have 2 parallel sides.

What is a four polygon with two sets of parallel sides called?

General term for a polygon with 4 sides is a quadrilateral. A parallelogram is the special case with two pairs of parallel sides.

What is a four-sided polygon with two right angles and two parallel sides?

A right trapezoid is a four-sided polygon with two right angles and two parallel sides.

What polygon has two sets of parallel sides?


What is a polygon with 1 sets of parallel lines called?

You can construct any polygon with more than 4 sides such that two sides are parallel. A quadrilateral in which two lines are parallel is called a trapezoid.

What is polygon with two pairs of parallel lines?

Any polygon with more than 3 sides can have two pairs of parallel sides.If it has only four sides and they make two parallel pairs, then it's a parallelogram.

What polygon has four sides and noly two parallel sides?

That would have to be a trapezoid