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Q: Does a right triangle have 2 parallel lines?
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Related questions

How many parallel lines does a right angled triangle have?

None !

How many parallel line does a isosceles triangle have?

There are no parallel sides in a right angle triangle

How many pairs of parallel line does a triangle have?

There cannot be parallel lines in any [plane] triangles.

How many Paris of parallel lines does triangle have?

2 paris of lines

Does a triangle have 2 sets of parallel lines?


How many parallel lines does a isosceles triangle?


How many parallel lines does an icosolies triangle have?

An isosceles triangle has no parallel sides but 2 of its 3 sides are equal in length

How many parallel lines does a triangle have?

It has no paralel lines. A paralel line are two lines that never cross. If you notice, in a trinagle all lines are touching all other lines.

What shapes has 2 pairs of perpendicular lines and no parallel lines?

Its a Right Triangle * * * * * No, a right triangle has only one pair of perpendicular lines. One possible answer is a kite, with right angles at the left and right extremes. There would be an obtuse apex and an acute bottom (or the other way around).

Does triangle has parrallel lines?

Nope think 2 parallel sides like this ______________ ______________ there would have to be another 2 lines..and we all know there are 3 lines in a triangle :)

How many pairs of parallel lines does a trapezoidsquare and atriangle have?

A trapezoid has a pair of opposite parallel lines of different lengths A square has 2 pairs of opposite parallel lines of equal lengths A triangle has no parallel lines

How many parallel lines does an isosceles triangle?
