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No, it actually has 4 triangular sides. This net below is a square-based pyramid:

So as you can see it only has 4.

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Q: Does a square based pyramid have one triangular face?
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Do a square pyramid has triangles as the face?

Yes a square based pyramid has triangular faces

Which shape has 4 triangular faces and a square face?

A square based pyramid.

How many faces does a square-based pyramid have?

A square pyramid has four triangular faces and one square face. In total, that is five faces.

How many triangles and how many squares form a square pyramid?

A square based pyramid has 4 triangular faces and 1 square face.

Is a square the face opposite of a base of a pyramid?

A square based pyramid has 4 triangular faces which means it has a total of 5 faces

What is the name of the shape which has 1 square face and 4 triangular faces?

sqare based pyramid

Which solid has 1 square face and 4 triangular faces?

The solid shape that has one square face and four triangular faces is called a pyramid. If you were to have a shape that had four triangular faces and no square face, it would be called a triangular pyramid.

How many faces and edges does a square pyramid have?

A square pyramid, or square-based pyramid, has 5 faces and 8 edges. One face forms the square base, and there are four triangular faces.

What is the name of 1 square face 4 triangular faces 8 edges and 5 vertices?

A square based pyramid.

Dose a square based pyramid have 1 face?

No.It has 4 triangular faces and 1 square face (the base), which means it has 5 faces

Which solid figure has seven vertices?

There are several options: A hexagon based pyramid A pentagonal based bipyramid A triangular based prism + quadrilateral pyramid (attached along a quadrilateral face) A triangular pyramid on a triangular prism (attached along a triangular face)

What polygon is each face of a pyramid?

A triangle if it is a triangular based pyramid