Well, honey, a starfish is like the Picasso of the ocean - it's all about that funky radial symmetry. They may look like they partied too hard and lost a few limbs, but those five arms are arranged in a symmetrical pattern around a central point. So, yes, a starfish has symmetry, just not the kind you'd find in a boring ol' square.
Radial symmetry
Bilateral Symmetry - Right down an animal (Worm or fish)Radial Symmetry - Symmetry like a circle (E.g - Starfish)Asymmetrical - No symmetry
a starfish has a rotational symmetry because it rotates back to itself 90 degrees which is 1/4 of a turn.
A decagon need not have any lines of symmetry. It can also have 1 or 10 lines of symmetry.
A triangle need not have any symmetry.
Box starfish has pentaradial symmetry.
turn symmetry
starfish = pentaradial
A starfish has radial symmetry
radial symmetry
radial symmetry
Radial symmetry
Most Echinoderms have radial symmetry. Sea Urchins, Starfish, Sand Dollars, etc.
pentaradial symmetry ;)
5 lines of symmetry
It doesn't, really. Starfish are remarkable animals for their strange characteristics, but radial symmetry doesn't have significant benefit to the survival of the animal.