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Slightly more - about 10% more. The prefix "Tera", when used for data storage, is often not defined as exactly 10004, but rather it is rounded to 10244. ("Rounded", because 1024 is a power of 2.)

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Q: Does a terabyte represent a trillion characters?
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What is the prefix meaning trillion?

Tera as in a terabyte = a trillion bytes.

Which is bigger terabyte or gigabyte?

a terabyte is bigger it is equal to 1000 gigabytes and is equal to 1000000000000bytes (1 trillion)

What is the name for one trillion memory locations in computers?

A Terabyte. Actually a Terabyte is usually defined as being slightly more than a trillion - 1024 to the 4th. power. That's ca. 10% more than a trillion.

What is a terror bite for a PC?

A terabyte is roughly one trillion bytes (240 = 1099511627776 bytes).

What is a teratbite?

I believe you mean terabyte, and it is a measure of data equal to about 1 trillion bytes or 1,000 gigabytes.

How many bytes are in Tb?

Tb could mean terabit because TB (upper case B) means terabyte. Tera could mean one trillion (1,000,000,000,000) or (when referring to RAM) two to the power of forty (1,099,511,627,776). There are eight bits in a byte so there are about one trillion bits in a terabit (Tb) and eight trillion bits in a terabyte (TB).

Chinese writing uses?

Characters that represent words or ideas Characters that represent words or ideas Characters that represent words or ideas

How many alphabet letters numbers and or special characters does 1 terabyte equal?

1 tillion

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how many ways can you describe one trillion

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A terabyte is a measure of size, it means 1 trillion bytes (1012). Currently (12/2011), the largest solid state drives for the consumer markets are in the 64 Gb range

Tera bites means what?

A terabyte is a unit of digital information equal to one trillion bytes. It is commonly used to measure the storage capacity of computer systems and other digital devices.

What do the monopoly characters represent?

Ummm.. what the hell?? they're just characters! they don't represent anything!