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Q: Does all the angles in a triangle always add up to 180 degree?
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Do the angles in a triangle always add up to 180 degrees?

yes angle in triangle always add up to 180 degree

What degree angles are there in a triangle?


What is angle sum property of a triangle?

The sum of the three interior angles of a triangle is always 180 degree is known as angle sum property of a triangle.

How much degree's is there in a equal sided triangle?

The three angles inside any triangle always add up to 180 degrees. Any triangle.

What is the angles of the triangles?

The total sum of all angles in a triangle is 180o . The individual angles may differ, but they can only add up to 180o

Why is it impossible for a triangle to contain an 180 degree angle?

The sum of the three included angles of a triangle always = 180 degrees. So if one angle = 180 degrees (a straight line) then the other two included angles will be = 0 degrees which cannot make a triangle.

Why cant you have two obtuse angles in a triangle?

Angle sum property of a triangle states that the sum of angles in any triangle should be 180 degree. An angle greater than 90 degree is an obtuse angle. If we have 2 obtuse angles in a triangle, say, 95 degree, 100 degree & 50, it always tend to violate the angle sum property of the triangle. So we cannot have 2 obtuse angles in a triangle.

What triangle measures 24 90 64 degree?

There is no such triangle because the 3 interior angles of any triangle always add up to 180 degrees

Is it possible to draw a triangle with angles 150 degree 10 degree and 10 degree?

No. The interior angles of a triangle must add up to 180° 150° + 10° + 10° = 170° ≠ 180° Therefore a triangle cannot have interior angles of 150°, 10° and 10°

Is a triangle always 180 degrees?

The sum of the three interior angles inside a triangle is always 180 degrees.

Angles of isoceles triangle?

The interior angles of a triangle add up to 180. So a triangle with 3 equal sides (or angles) will have 60-degree angles. * * * * * True, but the question is about an isosceles triangle, not an equilateral triangle. The angles of an isosceles triangle are x, x and 180-2x degree where x is a measure between 0 and 90 degrees.

What degree angles has an isosceles triangle?

a isosceles has 180 degrees