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Probably not. Accounting doesn't use much math beyond basic additions, subtractions, multiplications, and divisions.

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Q: Does an accounting job use quadratic formulas?
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How do engineers use the quadratic formula?

In problems of motion, especially involving constant acceleration, a quadratic equation will from the formulas of motion to solve for time, usually. This is just one example.

When do you use the Quadratic Formula in math?

you use the quadratic formula in math when the quadratic equation you are solving cannot be factored.

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The impact of information technology in accounting cannot be overemphazised because of its significant in accounting. There are there major things IT does to accounting sector1.It simplify the rigorous procedures of accounting work2.It makes the job easier3.It increase the speed of solving accounting problems4. An organised accounting data for timely use is achieved.

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Job cost accounting software enables users to track a number of factors, and use the information in an organized way, to allow better analysis of the information. This is conducive to making better business decisions.

Why do mathmaticians use the quadratic formula?

To find the roots (solutions) of a quadratic equation.

Using the quadratic formula what is the answser to 694 plus 77 plus 900?

Trying to use the quadratic formula on this problem is like trying to use a chainsaw to brush your teeth: painful, doesn't get the job done, and what the heck are you thinking? Just add: 694+77+900=1671

What do you use to work out equations on excel?

You use the formulas and functions.You use the formulas and functions.You use the formulas and functions.You use the formulas and functions.You use the formulas and functions.You use the formulas and functions.You use the formulas and functions.You use the formulas and functions.You use the formulas and functions.You use the formulas and functions.You use the formulas and functions.

How can you find the complex solutions of any quadratic equation?

I suggest you use the quadratic formula.

Why do you use square roots to solve quadratic equations?

Because it's part of the quadratic equation formula in finding the roots of a quadratic equation.

Is it OK to use the quadratic formula if the given quadratic trinomial is not factorable?

Well, if the given quadratic equation cannot be factored, nor completed by the square, try using the quadratic formula.