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In many jurisdictions, the executor may be granted the authority to sell the real estate in the will, without needing to obtain any license from the court to do so. In that case she has the power to sell it and distribute the proceeds according to the provisions of the will. If the authority was not granted in the will then the executor must apply for a license to sell from the court and the beneficiaries can object. The court will rule on the objections. If the two want to keep the property they will need to purchase the executor's share from her. If an agreement cannot be reached between the three parties then a Petition to Partition the property may become necessary. In that case it may be divided if large enough or sold with the proceeds divided equally minus the cost of the partition.

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Q: Does an executrix of an estate have the right to make decisions regarding the sale of property without being in agreement with the two other parties who with her have an equal share.?
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