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Q: Does any 450 quads have reverse?
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Does the 1992 Suzuki lt250r have reverse?

nope, sport quads from this era were race quads. reverse gears add extra weight and basically if it wasnt required and it didnt help you go faster they left it off.

Does the Honda trx 450 have reverse?

No the Honda TRX 450R (Sport) ATV's do NOT come with reverse gear, regardless of the year. The 450 utility atv's do have reverse gear throughout all the years. Also the TRX400 EX comes with reverse and it is a sports model.

Does the 2005 Yamaha yfz 450 have reverse?

no. bit the raptor 700 does.

What colors can quads be?

Any f####n color you want

Does the ds 450 have reverse?

The original DS4560's actually did have reverse, If you look on your engine cases there is a plug that is now there in place of the reverse set up Its on top located near the Starter.

How much is 54 quads?

54 quads is 163.99.

Where are quadzilla quads made?

Quadzilla quads are made in china

What kind of dirt bike should I get I am 5'8 13 years old 130 pounds and i have been riding 450 quads a lot?

you'd prob. be best off starting on a 125 2stroke

Does a south bend 450 bait cast reel have anti reverse?

Yes. All modern bait cast reels have anti reverse systems now.

Was there any quads on the titanic?

ya in fact they had a full quad track on there. they were built out of wood.

Do a full house beats quads?

Quads beats a Full House.

Can quads be legal in Texas?

Yes. ATVs (or "quads") are legal in Texas.