If you were birthday is between 1 January and today's date (8 January) then you were born in 1948. If your birthday is between 9 January and 31 December then you were born in 1947.
If you were born on January 29, 1977, then your birthday is celebrated on January 29th every year. On January 29, 2010, you'll turn 33 years old.
Today being January 23, 2010 this answer will change tomorrow. But if you are 16 years old on this day, your birthday could have been any day between January 24, 1994 to January 23, 1995.
joe hart
1920 or 1921 (if birthday in January)
me uhhh will smith hafitha
snooki, miley cyrus, and vanessa hudgens have mine (nov.23)
Yes Christopher Masterson From "Malcolm In The Middle" has he birthday on January 22 , 1980
Oprah Winfrey
Katy Perry, is a celeberty that's name starts with an K
His birthday is on January 23rd.
my birthday is on january 1 i feel like the first birthday ever
Today's date is 18 January 2010, so any date between 19 January 1973 and 18 January 1974
Miley Cyrus if shes a kid she is so awesome i even like her dog names she RULES i really want her 2 come to my birthday
Nash Overstreet's birthday is on January the 3rd.
Jai waetford birthday is 14.January
Stefan abingdons birthday is on the 19 of January