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It depends where you live. I live in Canada and volunteer for the Abused Women's Centre. There are far more women abused than men, but, there are men also that are abused. Men are more often unwilling to come forward on abuse issues directed at them because they fear no one will believe them, well here it is as clear as can be: If a man is brought up by his parents that it's not alright to hit a woman, and he marries a woman who can be on the violent side, then even if she strikes him or throws herself at him in fight, he will back off. I have seen men who have been physically bruised, broken bones and teeth missing not to mention black eyes. Is he chicken? Not at all. He only did one wrong thing ... get out! I am happy to say that there are groups for battered men as well as battered women. Still, women take the worst of it all and there are by far more abused women and children out there. Statistics change drastically from day to day.

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Q: Does anyone have statistics on the number of women abused VS the number of men abused?
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What are the statistics of abused women in the US?

Way more than 1000 women a day get abused in the united states, that will change by day whether its more or less. Women are abused a lot, either from their significant other or even by someone around them.

What are the statistics of abused women in the U.S.?

Check this site out...should get you started on your question. It's reported in the US that every 9 seconds a woman reports being abused. Hope that helped and gets you started!

Statistics for abused women?

According to a U.S. Justice Department study, two-thirds of violent attacks against women are committed by someone the woman knows. In the United States, one of the most dangerous places for a woman is her own home. Approximately 1,500 women are killed each year by husbands or boyfriends. About 2 million men per year beat their partners, according to the F.B.I

What is the statistic of women who abuse men?

There are no true statistics of women who abuse men because decent men who know they shouldn't hita woman or be verbally abusive back to their spouse do not report abuse as often as women for fear that they will be labeled as being weak. Men don't talk to other male friends about being abused as most men think they should be able to handle a woman. Easier said than done!

What is the ratio of men and women in the university of Oregon?

The ratio of men and women in the university of Oregon can be find out by :Number of men in the University of oregon.number of women in the university of oregon.Then , dividing the number of men : number of women.

Related questions

What are the statistics for abused women?

1 out every 3

What are the statistics of abused women in the US?

Way more than 1000 women a day get abused in the united states, that will change by day whether its more or less. Women are abused a lot, either from their significant other or even by someone around them.

What are the statistics of abused women in the U.S.?

Check this site out...should get you started on your question. It's reported in the US that every 9 seconds a woman reports being abused. Hope that helped and gets you started!

What has the author Ola W Barnett written?

Ola W. Barnett has written: 'Family Violence Across The Lifespan : An Introduction' 'It could happen to anyone' -- subject(s): Case studies, Abused women, Abused wives

What are some resources for abused women in Chicago?

Women's shelters and domestic violence agencies and organizations are of help to abused women in Chicago, as well as any children that these women may have.

How women gets abuse?

they get abused by having a argument. they get abused by having a argument.

Is abused women okay to use for a professional knowledge paper?

* Absolutely! You cannot get anything better than someone who has gone through the hell of physical, verbal abuse (or both.) If you are writing a paper on a woman you must ask her permission first and get a signed statement from her. It would be to your best interest to sit down with her to learn how abused women got where they are and how they plan to cope with it .. stay or leave the abusive relationship. It is also important that you realize if you do not get permission from this abused woman (a victim) you could cause her much pain and perhaps put her life in danger if she is still with her abuser. Be sure to get your statistics correct on abused women and also mention the names of programs abused women can go for help and the phone numbers.

What is the number of women who are helped by domestic shelters?

There are no national statistics concerning the exact number of battered and abused women living or have lived in DV shelters, as such information is kept strictly confidential except for those authorized with the "need to know". Some estimates place the count at 300-500,000 yearly. The ABA Commission on Domestic Violence with the aid of FBI statistics place the yearly figure of women who are abused by a spouse or intimate partner at 2-4 million; the reason for the large discrepancy is most incidents go unreported. The 2-million represents the number of documented cases where the woman received medical care or evaluation. Needless to say millions of women and children and a small percentage of men are aided by shelters and organizations throughout the world, not just in the U.S. In the U.S., immigrant women are in the highest group of victim's (a more preferable term survivor's) of domestic violence.

Were women abused in 1950?

Yes they were

Is there pictures of abused women?

Sure there are. Go to google and type in pictures of abused woman.

How many women in the world are abused?

This question cannot be answered because abuse often goes unreported even in our Western countries. Millions of women are abused in the world. China prefers boy babies to girls (just on the news tonight) and Iraq and many other countries are abusive towards their women that don't conform to men. Sometimes it's about culture and sometimes it's plain cruelty.

How many women were abused in 2009?