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Q: Does art stimulates both sides of the brain?
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Should you use both sides of the page in your A3 Art GCSE sketchpad?

You should definitely use both sides. Otherwise you'd be better off with an A4 sketchbook- defeats the purpose.

What is formal and informal balance in art?

formal is when if you take picture and fold in 2 it the same on both sides

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cut the cloth in two, stich on both sides and ends and then sew in whatever art you should put in..............

What activity would require the coordination of both hemispheres of the brain?

Playing a musical instrument, such as the piano or guitar, would require the coordination of both hemispheres of the brain. This is because the left hemisphere is responsible for logical tasks like reading music and the right hemisphere controls the creative aspects like rhythm and expression.

Is art an important factor in a senior citizen's life?

Art is a creative endeavor. This includes music, drawing, painting, crafts, design, color, textiles and a host of other pursuits. Art calls upon the much-less used side of the brain to consider possibilities and options. Puzzles are about logic and focus; art is about creativity. Both are good for brain workouts for any age.

Put crudely the left hemisphere offers us language reason and math skill the right side handles insight and whatever talent for art or music you may have Sides of what?


Why is reading considered art and science?

Reading can be considered both an art and a science. It is a science because it uses the eyes and brain to process information. It is an art because it involves reading comprehension, paying attention, and reading between the lines to find meaning.

What does it mean it art terms In the Round?

The art term "in the round" means that the art work can be looked at from all sides for example a sculpture

What does prehistoric art and modern art have in comen?

Both prehistoric art and modern art are expressions of human creativity and reflect the culture and beliefs of the time period in which they were created. They both utilize different techniques and materials to convey ideas and emotions, and both have evolved over time to push boundaries and challenge conventions in art.

Is art a distraction from life?

Most people find that creating art is relaxing. It allows you to not use the uptight left side of your brain and allows the mellow right side of your brain to become dominant.

Behavioral science is regarded both as an art and science explain?

i think its both an art and a science

How many arts dose the brain have?

The brain is involved in various forms of art such as visual arts, music, dance, and creative writing. These different art forms engage different regions of the brain and can help in improving cognitive functions and emotional well-being.