

Best Answer

A BA in Psychology requires the ability to be able to learn and pass the basic statistics and probabilities course and to be able to put them to use. So the answer to your question is absolutely and resoundingly a yes.

Resource: my personal experience as I am a Psych major.

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Q: Does clinical psychology require maths or maths literacy?
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Does marine biology require maths or will maths literacy suffice?

Mathematics is an important component of marine biology, as it is used in data analysis, modeling, and understanding various processes in the marine environment. While basic math skills are necessary for a career in marine biology, you may not need advanced math depending on the specific area of research or work you are pursuing.

Can you study accounting with maths literacy?

Yes I do

Does student without maths can do psychology?

no yes

What lessons in part 1 of the novel do the children learn?

literacy,maths and science

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Is it possible to do maths literacy and still do chemical engineering?

no you need matematics to do chemical engineering because of the formular wich involves maths not mathematical litrecy

Would psychology be a better subject than maths?

No of course not!It is because maths is everywhere and everybody knows whats the meaning of maths except for little kids below 7 years old or below 4 years old.The whole world knows what is maths about.Only some knows what is the meaning of psychology. (Written By:Hana)

Is maths a-level needed to do psychology at university?

no. it is preferred by universities that you have biology though.

What careers require maths and physics?

they are the same

What careers can you do with maths literacy?

you can do almost any career,but ofcourse not in the science field. just make sure you obtain 75% and above for your maths literacy term mark to get a secure job or whatsoever. in this cas,a maths student would have to obtain a 50 -65% mark,but as a math lit student,high marks a required. :)

What is verbal reasoning?

verbal reasoning is not really a real subject because it is a mix of maths and literacy and art

What job can you work if you have maths literacy?

You can study to become lawyer .you can become a nurse .you can become a chef,etc