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Not all - these words opposite in meaning - create means to make something appear- annihilate means to reduce to nothing, destroy.

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Q: Does create and annihilate mean the same?
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What is the opposite of create?

The opposite of create can be destroy, undo, or cancel.Words like destroy are spoil, ruin, wreck, kill, or annihilate.

What reason did Hitler give for attempting to annihilate?

To create a perfect world, free of weaker races

What is the prefix for annihilate?

The prefix for "annihilate" is "an-".

A sentence for annihilate?

If you do not surrender, we will annihilate you.

How do you spell inialate?

That would be 'Annihilate'.

When was Annihilate This Week created?

Annihilate This Week was created in 1987.

What is a sentence for the word annihilate?

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Does it require only a few particles of antimatter to annihilate an object like a tree on contact?

No, an antiparticle annihilates a particle of the same type. To annihilate an entire tree you'd need an anti-tree worth of particles.

Can you give you a sentence using the word 'annihilate '?

The weapon could annihilate a continent.

How do you say Annihilate in Latin?

literraly annihilate comes from the latin "ad nihilo" which means to nothing

How do you use 'annihilate' in a sentence?

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What is the noun form of annihilate?

The noun forms of the verb to annihilate are annihilator, annihilation, and the gerund, annihilating.