

Does dimensions mean area

Updated: 9/26/2023
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8y ago

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No, it does not.

Dimensions are the basic quantities which are being measured. The most common are [L] for length, [M] for mass and [T] for time.

Speed and velocity are [LT^-1]

Force is [MLT^-2].

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Q: Does dimensions mean area
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The dimensions for area are [L2]

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If the new linear dimensions are k times the old dimensions, then the new area is k2 times the old area.

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The area of qa triangle is always half of the area of a rectangle with the same dimensions

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The answer depends entirely on how the dimensions change. It is possible to change the dimensions without changing the perimeter. It is also possible to change the dimensions without changing the area. (And it is possible to change the area without changing the perimeter.)

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Depends what you mean by the "size" of the figure.To double the linear dimensions of the figure ===> Multiply the linear dimensions by 2.To double the area of the figure ===> Multiply the linear dimensions by sqrt(2). (1.4142)

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It means that someone has recorded the dimensions of a thin object with rather a large area, possibly with the aim of calculating its volume. However, it is equally possible that the dimensions are recorded to establish its surface area (for painting?).

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Area has the dimensions of (length)2 .

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If you know the dimensions of the missing triangle, then compute the area from those dimensions, then subtract that answer from the area of the full rectangle.

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You can't tell the dimensions of a rectangle from its area, or the dimensions of a prism from its volume.

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190 in is a length, not an area. Even if you were given an area, unless it was in the form of a regular shape you would not be able to determine its dimensions.