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Yes, every isosceles triangle has at least one line of symmetry, usually drawn down the middle from the top point, down in the middle of the triangle's base.

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Q: Does every isosceles triangle have at least one line of symmetry?
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Can you show me a triangle with only one line of symmetry?

An Isosceles triangle has at least one line of symmetry but if it has more than one line of symmetry it can be an Equilateral triangle as well as a Isosceles Triangle. So a triangle with one line of symmetry is always Isosceles and If it has more than one it is always an Equilateral triangle as well as an Isosceles triangle. Example of an Isosceles triangle:

Has at least one line of symmetry?

this shape has at least one line of symmetry The answer is:- Symmetrical.

What shape least one line of symmetry?

An isosceles triangle

What shape has at least one one of Symmetry?

How about an isosceles triangle which has one line of symmetry

What shape has at least 1 line of symmetry?

An isosceles triangle has one line of symmetry

What shape has at least 1 line of symmetry but is not a isosceles triangle?

the shape is a heart.

What shape has 9 letters and at least 1 line of symmetry?

An isosceles triangle

Which 2d shape has at least one line of symmetry?

An isosceles triangle and a kite have only one line of symmetry.

Can a isosceles triangle have three lines of symmetry?

It depends on the definition used. If you are defining an isosceles triangle as having exactly two sides of equal length, then no. If you define it as having at least two, then yes. An equilateral triangle has three lines of symmetry, but whether or not that counts as an isosceles triangle depends on the definition used. So, maybe.

Are isoceles triangles always symmetrical?

for a triangle to be an isosceles triangle, two of its sides and its corresponding angle must be equal. all isosceles triangles have at least one line of symmetry

What is a shape with at least one line of symetry?

For example an isosceles triangle has only one line of symmetry

What shape has at least one right angle and at least one line of symmetry?

An isosceles right angle triangle fits the description