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Q: Does every quadralatral tessilate
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Is a pentagon a quadralatral?

Well, I think and as far as I know, pentagon has 5 sides/angles/edges, then quadralatral (from the term quad/ quatro) so meaning four, so pentagon is not a quadralatral. ok!

What is a quadralatral?

its a 4 sided shape

Will a regulr triangle tessilate?

Yes a regular triangle will tessellate as will all other types of triangles.

Can you tessellate a equallateral triangle?

Of course, imagine making a house out of cards: The triangles tessilate to form a structure that can stand alone (depending on your skill!).

What is a quadralatral shape?

A quadrilateral is a polygon with four sides. The sides can be of any lengths, so there are many possible shapes. The angles do not even have to be all convex, I think, so you make a heart-shape with pointy angles-- ie 2 V's joined, one under the other. Of course, squares, oblongs, kites, trapezoids and rhombi are all quadrilaterals.

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Every You Every Me was created on 1999-01-21.

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After every use.

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By saying every word with a EAN at the end of every word By saying every word with a EAN at the end of every word By saying every word with a EAN at the end of every word By saying every word with a EAN at the end of every word By saying every word with a EAN at the end of every word By saying every word with a EAN at the end of every word

What song has the lyrics every day and every night?

The Trolls Every Day and Every Night

What are synonyms for every year or every?

Every: All; all of