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Q: Does every repeating decimal correspond to a point on a real number line?
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Is every rational number a repeating decimal?

No. A rational number is any terminating numeral. A repeating decimal is irrational.

Can every rational fraction be written as a repeating decimal?

Any rational number is either a repeating decimal, or a terminating decimal.

Can a non-terminating decimal be a non-repeating decimal?

Yes. Every irrational number has a non-terminating, non-repeating decimal representation.

Why every rational number can be represented by either a terminating decimal or a repeating decimal?

That is the definition of a rational number.

Can Every rational number can be written as a repeating decimal?

no cuz i said no

Is 2.322232223. a rational number?

Yes- every terminating or repeating decimal number is rational.

Every terminating or repeating decimal represents a rational number and can be changed to a what?

Every rational number can be expressed as a fraction

Is 4.3333333 a rational number?

Yes- every terminating or repeating decimal number is rational.

Can every rational number be represented by a terminating decimal?

No, a rational number, expressed as decimal, is either a terminating decimal, such as 1/4 = 0.25, or a repeating decimal, such as 1/7 = 0.142857 142857 142857 ...

Does every fraction have an equivalent decimal?

Yes, it may be a repeating decimal, such as 1/3 = 0.33333.... or 1/11 = 0.090909.... or something longer such as 1/7 = 0.142857142857142857.... where the '142857' is the repeating part. But every rational number (eg. fraction) can be mapped to a corresponding decimal equivalent.

Is every rational number a decimal number?

All real numbers have a decimal representation. Rational numbers have decimal representations that terminate or repeat infinitely. Irrational numbers have decimal representations that are non-terminating and non-repeating.

Can Every real number can be expressed as a decimal?

Yes, but most of them (the irrational numbers) will have infinitely long, non-repeating representations.