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Q: Does fair means everyone gets the equal share?
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Does same and equal have the same meaning?

No, fair means everyone gets what they need, equal means everyone is treated the that fair?

What does fair share mean?

yes, "fair share" means you can use whatever available space on shared room.

What is a sentence using the word portion?

She divided the pizza into equal portions so everyone could have a fair share.

What does fair means in probability?

From a probability perspective fair means equal probability.

Why did you have the ration book?

food was limited, and everyone wanted and needed their fair share of food, so the dispenser/shop owner would see what youd had that week and would give you your fair share.

What Martin Luther King Jr fight for?

for everyone 2 be equal and fair

What does fair mean from a probability perspective?

From a probability perspective fair means equal probability.

How is Guru Nanak related to fair trade?

Well, he was a very fair man as he made everyone sit down in a temple showing that everyone is equal. So when it came to trade he would not cheat and always tell the truth, and he was very fair! :)

What does 'holding out on me' mean?

Holding out on someone means not giving them their fair share or witholding information.

What rhymes with as and means rare?

snare fair hair dare share care the mair

Who was the killer in riverdale?

If u r referring to the series it was Hal cooper as the black hood but everyone kinda had there fair share

What is the affix of equitable?

The affix of "equitable" is "equi-" which means equal or fair.