I dont know. But I think I was talking to a camal last night and it was standing on its back two legs. I dont know if I dreamt it or hallucinated it. Thats why im trying to search.
Four Loko was created in 2006.
putang ina niyo. mga loko loko.
It takes four quarters to make one dollar. Add four together four times to make four dollars.The answer turns out to be that it takes 16 quarters to make four dollars.
Use four 5's to make 6
Four Loko was created in 2006.
The only danger of leaving Four Loko out of the refrigerator is that your drink will become warm.
Four Loko is not good for you, you shouldn't be drinking it and it's banned from stores.
The cast of Four Loko Vineyards - 2011 includes: Don Johnson Ryan Perez
So far, that I've seen. Michigan, Maryland, Washington, and Colorado have banned four loko from being sold.
Yes, it is known that melatonin can make you hallucinate.
approximately 660
Four Loko was originally intended to be an energy drink, however the company decided to change it into an alcoholic beverage. It was introduced to the United States in 2005.
I've been looking for it to & can't find it anywhere! allalcohol.co.uk / www.four-loko.co.uk all-alcohol.com imports/sells Four Loko in the uk online.
Four loko's contain 12% alcohol which is equivalent to the amount of alcohol in approximately 4 beers. It also contains a LOT of sugar, and the ingredients in your standard energy drink.