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Q: Does graphite have a two dimensional layered structure?
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What 2 forms of carbon are found in nature?

Diamond and Graphite are the two pure forms of carbon

How can diamond and graphite both be carbon?

This is because the carbon atoms are arranged differently in diamond and graphite. In a diamond, the carbon atoms are in a three dimensional crystal lattice structure. In graphite, the carbon atoms are arranged in a two dimensional sheet.

Graphite is useful as a lubricant because it contains only a carbon-carbon bonds b the hydrogen bonding strengthens its molecular structure c its two-dimensional sheet d its two-dimensional sheets?

its two dimensional sheets

What are two carbon minerals and how do they differ?

Two carbon minerals are diamond and graphite. Diamond is the hardest naturally occurring substance, consisting of a three-dimensional crystal structure with tightly bonded carbon atoms. Graphite, on the other hand, has a layered structure with weakly bonded layers that easily slide over each other, making it soft and slippery.

Why is diamond hard but graphite soft?

Diamonds are made of carbon atoms arranged in a rigid, closely packed structure, giving them their hardness. Graphite, on the other hand, has a layered structure with weak forces holding the layers together, allowing them to slide past each other easily and making graphite soft.

Does both graphite and diamond contains carbon?

Graphite and diamond both are compounds of carbon. These are allotropes of carbon. Graphite has a layered, planar structure. In each layer, the carbon atoms are arranged in a hexagonal lattice with separation of 0.142 nm, and the distance between planes is 0.335 nm.[6] The two known forms of graphite are, alpha(hexagonal) and beta (rhombohedral).A diamond is a transparent crystal of tetrahedral bonded carbon atoms (sp3) that crystallizes into the diamond lattice which is a variation of the face centered cubic structure.

What forms of carbon are the the best lubricant?

Graphite and diamond are two forms of carbon that can act as good lubricants. Graphite is commonly used as a dry lubricant due to its layered structure, which allows for easy sliding between the layers. Diamond can also be used as a lubricant at high pressures and temperatures due to its hardness and low friction properties.

An element that has two allotropic forms called diamond and graphite?

Carbon has two allotropic forms called diamond and graphite. Diamond is a hard, transparent crystal structure, while graphite is a soft, dark crystal structure known for its lubricating properties.

What do graphite and diamonds have in common?

Both graphite and diamonds are composed of carbon atoms but have different structures due to the arrangement of these atoms. Graphite has layers of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal pattern, allowing it to be soft and slippery, while diamonds have a rigid and tightly packed structure that makes them the hardest known material.

Does graphite contain crystals?

A2. Graphite is an allotrope of Carbon, and has a crystal form of regular hexagons arranged in a two dimensional sheet.A1. no because it is a rock that has been thinned to be made into our led that we use to write

What data structure should be used to make tables?

Two dimensional arrays.

What is 3d array?

Three dimensional arrays are basically multiple two dimensional arrays layered on top of each other.Three dimensional arrays have many uses ex. mapping 3d graphics, calendars (where days are the columns, the weeks are the rows and the months are the layers), or paging methods for reports and recordsets.