NO it dosent i'll give you an example say the question was is 42 greater than 56 the answer would be no because 42 is below 56
do you get it now?
take away it is deacreasing
subtraction means you have to take away from the number
It is greater. If you take away less from the same amount then you will have more. 6-7 = -1 6-8 = -2 -1 is greater than -2.
the difference or take away
subract mean to take a away an amount and then you have small amount left over.
take away it is deacreasing
it means to give out or to take away........ lol
to take away
In arithmetic, to take away is to subtract as in 5 take away 3 menas 5-3.
to take away?
it means take away
It means to take away.
subtraction means you have to take away from the number
To Take away
to take away a persons ownership or to take something away from another person for your own use
take away from
to take away