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It is strangely worded like that, but the answer is yes.

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Q: Does inferential statistics involve using a suitable population to draw a conclusion from a sample drawn from that population?
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What are some limitations of statistics?

limitations of statistics are as follows: 1. Statistics does not deal with an individual 2.It is not suitable to the study of qualitative phenomenon 3.Statistical relations are not exact 4.Statistics is liable to be misused 5.Statistics is only a means

Globalization on agriculture with conclusion?

The answer to this question is so broad that it would be a suitable subject for a University Theses.

What are the merits and demerits of primary and secondary source of data in statistics?

Reliable and comprehensive statistics can be very expensive to collect and process. You may not have the authority to force compliance and so your data may have serious gaps. These pitfalls can be avoided if there are suitable secondary statistics that have already been compiled. However, you may not know exactly how the statistics were compiled and processed so may not fully know what they represent. Also, they may not measure exactly what you want or may not be based on the exact target population. These demerits can be overcome by collecting the statistics yourself.

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What university majors are suitable for people who love math?

Economics, Acconting, Statistics, Operation Research, Information Systems, Data Science

Calculate mean deviation?

Look up the formula in a book of elementary statistics or on the web. The browser that we are required to use is not suitable for providing an answer.

What has the author Wilbur Joseph Keller written?

Wilbur Joseph Keller has written: 'An understandable numerical index of the relationship between two sets of scores, suitable for educational statistics ..' -- subject(s): Statistics, Graphic methods, Education

What factors would increase lynx population?

Factors that could increase lynx population include a decrease in hunting pressure, availability of prey species such as snowshoe hares, suitable habitat with dense cover for denning, and effective conservation efforts to protect the species and its environment.

What is the function of statistics in psychology?

(1) Statistics helps in providing a better understanding and exact description of a phenomenon of nature.(2) Statistical helps in proper and efficient planning of a statistical inquiry in any field of study.(3) Statistical helps in appropriate quantitative data.(4) Statistics helps in presenting complex data in a suitable tabular, diagrammatic and graphic form for an easy and clear comprehension of the data.(5) Statistics helps in understanding the nature and pattern of variability of a phenomenon through quantitative observations.(6) Statistics helps in drawing valid inference, along with a measure of their reliability about the population parameters from the sample data.

Why is it important to select the right project before you begin working?

the right project = an appropriate task, a suitable, realistic enterprise, one that you can bring to a positive conclusion.

When a research problem is related to heterogenous population the most suitable sampling method is?

cluster sampling

In a range with heterogeneous distribution of suitable habitats the dispersion pattern of a population would probably be?
