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Yes, but as you get more into chemistry at higher levels, algebra will not be of any use to you(i.e organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, etc).

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Q: Does introduction to chemistry involve algebra?
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I was in Chemistry last year and we used something called stoichiometry, which uses both algebra and geometry.

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Which age do people normally start learning algebra?

6th grade is usually pre-algebra and the basic introduction to algebra.

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Organic chemistry is the carbon compounds chemistry.

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The introduction of algebra to mathematics.

Is Pre-Algebra the same as introduction to algebra?

you find it out on your own your smart right u dont need me to answer it for you

What jobs require using algebra patterns and functions?

Some jobs that need Algebra are chemistry.

What is pre algebra?

its math class its also the second highest math class the highest is Algebra 1!

Which examples does not involve knowledge of chemistry?

Riding a bike does not require knowledge of chemistry. Playing a musical instrument like the guitar does not involve knowledge of chemistry. Gardening and planting flowers do not require knowledge of chemistry.

What is the relationship between maths and chemistry?

Chemistry and math really go together. Chemistry is filled with alot of things that are math based such as formulas, algebra, and dimensional analysis. It is recommened that you at least have taken algebra before you take any chemistry class.

What has the author Paul Haas written?

Paul Haas has written: 'An introduction to the chemistry of plant products' -- subject(s): Botanical chemistry, Plants, Plant chemistry, Metabolism 'Introduction to the chemistry of plant products' -- subject(s): Botanical chemistry