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Q: Does it matter what a shelter looks like?
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an eagle shelter looks like a huge nest. eagles build their home on high trees.

What is a Tudor Shelter?

A Tudor shelter is a type of house that looks like a small castle. It has many columns on one side and a series of window sills and ledges on some of the sides. A Tudor shelter might also have one room that looks like a turret or castle tower.

Does good looks matter in a relationship?

no its for who you are he should like you for who you are or she

What if your scarf looks like a cobra?

If your scarf looks like a cobra it doesn't matter, its just the pattern of the scarf

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If you like the looks then it doesn't matter

What do you say to the girl that you like when she says that she looks bad?

Tell her she looks fine and you love her no matter what.

What is a name of pig shelter?

Pigs live in a sty. Just like your mother always told you "This room looks like a pigs sty".

What do absolute values look like?

Absolute value looks like | x | and means that no matter what x is, the answer is positive. Unless it looks like this, -|x|, in which case it'll be negative. Also if you are talking about graphing it looks like a "V".

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Why doesn't he like girls with moles?

it looks strange but if he really likes you it wont matter

How do you make a leg model?

You have to have a perfect pair of legs, does not matter what your face looks like