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Q: Does it matter what interval you use when you find the rate of change of a proportional relationship?
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What is the differences between constant and proportional error?

A constant error is something that does not change as the variable you are observing changes. For example, a set of scales that are always 0.3kg off. No matter who is standing on them, they will always get a reading that is 0.3kg greater than their actual mass. A proportional error changes as the variable you are observing changes, but more importantly it changes in a way that can be predicted.

Does the amount of a particular matter affect its density?

The simple answer to this would be no. Density is the mass per volume of a substance so if you were to add either one of these quantities the other would have to rise by a proportional amount and the density would remain constant. However this become untrue when the amount of matter you are dealing with become on the order of a planetary mass. This much matter will produce a gravitational field which will cause pressures to result that will be enough to invoke a phase change in the portions from the center of the mass on outwards. In this case the density will change with the change in phase.

Does the relationship between the circumference and the diameter change when you use a different unit?

No. The units don't matter, the circumference always equals pi times the diameter. (This is only true of the circumference and diameter are in the same units. If for example, the circumference was in feet and the diameter in inches, the feet must be change to inches or the inches to feet in order for this relationship to be true.)

Albert Einstein discovered the mathematical relationship between?

matter and energy

What type of matter do not change?


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Does the force of gravity change at various times of the day at the same place?

No. Force of gravity is not time dependent. It is proportional to the product of masses of the earth and the matter in question and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the center of the earth and the center of the matter.

Would liquids keep the same weight after being frozen?

I assume by "weight" what you really mean is "mass". In that case, yes, a given amount of matter has the same mass whether it is a solid, a liquid, or a gas. Only the volume and the density change, in an inversely proportional relationship.

What is the average kinetic energy of the particles in a object is directly proportional?

The average kinetic energy of particles in an object is directly proportional to the temperature of the object. This relationship is described by the kinetic theory of matter, which states that as temperature increases, the average kinetic energy of particles also increases.

What is the princple of isaac newtons law of gravity?

The principle of Newton's Gravity is that all matter attracts other matter and the strength of the attraction is proportional to the product of the matter and inverse to the separation of the matter. The Constant G is the proportional constant.

Are matter and energy equivalent?

According to Einstein's famous equation E=mc^2, matter and energy are equivalent. Matter can be converted into energy, and vice versa, through chemical or nuclear reactions. This principle is central to understanding the relationship between matter and energy in the universe.

Is the relationship between mass and inertia positive or negative?

The relationship between mass and inertia is positive. This means that as mass increases, inertia also increases. Inertia is the property of matter that resists changes in its motion, and it is directly proportional to mass according to Newton's first law of motion.

The mass of matter is proportional to the?

volume it occupies. This relationship is described by density, which is the mass of the object per unit volume. Therefore, we can say that the mass of matter is proportional to its volume times its density.

Should you let someones past relationship effect your relationship?

NO that had nothing to do with what your doing now that's the past you did it you cant change it o well it doesn't really matter

What is the relationship between weight mass and gravity?

Weight is the force exerted on an object due to gravity, while mass is the amount of matter in an object. The weight of an object can change depending on the gravitational force acting on it, but its mass remains constant regardless of the gravitational field.

Are mass and density inversely proportional?

No, mass and density are not inversely proportional. Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object, while density is a measure of how tightly packed the matter is within the object. They can vary independently of each other.

How is temparature related to kenetic energy of particles?

Temperature is directly proportional to the kinetic energy of particles in a substance. As temperature increases, the particles gain more kinetic energy and move faster. This relationship is described by the kinetic theory of matter.

What do you do if your not happy in your relationship but you still love the guy?

Two separate things; love and relationship. You can change either or both whenever you like. To answer your question, you can change your relationship and still love the guy. In fact, it is good to learn this lesson early in life. Relationships always change, no matter what. As long as you are alive, you grow. As long as you are growing, you change. Whenever you change, your relationships change. Long relationships change to cope with the changes in the people in the relationship. If the relationship doesn't change appropriately, then it fails. Learn to recognize when your relationships are helping you, and/or when they are hurting you. Both situations should be discussed between you two. It can be discussions as simple as, "I think you are good for me." or "I'm not sure we are good for each other."