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Q: Does it mean when you hear a bell it means that an angle has got its wings?
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In the movie It's a Wonderful Life how do you know that an angel has received his wings?

"Every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings." So, when the bell on the Christmas tree rang, during the final moments of the film, it was the sign that Clarence the angel had won his wings.

Why do dogs angle their heads to hear better?

Dogs angle their heads when they don't quite hear a noise, or understand precisely what a noise means, in an attempt to hear it more thoroughly.

In which movie would you hear the line Every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings?

'It's a Wonderful Life' (1946).

How do you use peal and peel in a sentence?

Hie personality was appealing (good) He was peeling an orange (taking skin off)

What does the doorbell chime on Webkinz mean?

If you hear a door bell chime on webkinz world, it means a friend you have invited over just entered your house. If you hear the door shut, it means they have left.

What does in mean when you are sleeping and hear the door bell?

It means there is someone is at your door and just woke you up while you were sleeping.

What do people hear when they hear the liberty bell?

People hear nothing because it is no longer rung. The Liberty Bell is an actual bell. It was last rung on February 23, 1846. It is cracked and can no longer be rung.

What is in the wings of insects that they make some noise?

The noise you hear is the air that is being pushed when the insect flap its wings.

Why do we hear a buzzing sound when a fly flies?

Rapid movement of the wings.

Why did Alexander Graham Bell invent the audiometer?

Because he wanted people to hear properly! Bell's daughter was deaf. Bell was an inventor and wanted to know more about how people hear. Bell also made several other advancements in the knowledge of human hearing because he wanted to help his daughter, The Audiometer was made after performing several experiments with the loudness of sounds and how humans hear things. The meter he made is a way of measuring how well someone can hear compared to what an average person can hear. Like Feet and Meters are used for measuring the length of objects or the distance between objects, the measurement called a Bell was named to measure the loudness of sounds that humans hear. More commonly the measurement is called a 'Deci Bell' abbreviated dB which is 1/10th of a Bell.

How would you know when a bell rang on the moon?

There is no air on the Moon, so you could not hear the bell directly. However, if the bell was pressed against a rock, and you pressed your spacesuit helmet against the rock, you could hear the sound travel through the rock.

Can a triangle have one obtuse angle and one right angle?

yes it can because I said so. I WAS HEAR A-