It can go into 400 about 4.49 times.
Exactly 400 times
400 divided by 26 is about 15.38, so 26 goes into 400 15 times.
45 goes into 400 8 times which is 360.
It is: 400
400 hundred meters
On 747-400, inboard Kruger slats will retract when applying reverse during landing, to avoid the structure damage to the slats. This information is from a book about 747-400.
An approach (landing) speed is determined by the type of plane, weight, weather and the condition of the runway. A heavy 747-400 might have a landing speed of 160 KIAS (knots indicated air speed) or about 185 mph.
Landing school
All 6 landings landed in the vicinity of the planned landing sites. The furthest off was the Apollo 11 landing, which is took place about 400 yards from where it was targeted to land.
It can go into 400 about 4.49 times.
No - 1900/400 = 4.75
No. 400 is not evenly divisible by nine.
no, 9 does not go into 400 evenly
The -800 is a next generation model. The -400 has square landing lights and the engine pylon sticks out the back of the wing. It sits higher on its main landing gear than the -800. Also, the pitot tubes are nearer the back of the plane wheras the -800 has them nearer the nose cone.
311,000,000/400 = 777,500
400 / 5 = 80