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As a Boy scout we would weight our cars so that they would travel faster.

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Q: Does mass affect speed when you put pennies on a toy car and let go down a ramp?
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Increasing the speed of an object does not affect that object's what?

Increasing the speed of an object does not affect that object's mass. Mass is an intrinsic property of an object and remains constant regardless of its speed.

Does the mass affect the speed of an object?

It has no direct affect on the speed of an object. It does affect the energy content of the speeding object.

Does a mass of an object affect the speed of it?


How does mass affect a cars speed down a ramp?

The mass of a car affects its speed down a ramp by influencing its inertia and gravitational force. A heavier car will accelerate slower than a lighter car due to its greater resistance to change in motion caused by its mass. However, once in motion, both cars will experience the same acceleration due to gravity down the ramp.

How does mass affect the speed of an object?

Mass does not directly affect the speed of an object, as speed is determined by the force applied to an object. However, a heavier object may require more force to achieve the same speed as a lighter object. In other words, mass influences the amount of force needed to accelerate an object to a certain speed.

How does mass affect how fast you will skate in speed skating?

Yes the weight does affect the speed of a skateboard.....if your 90 pounds and your ridding with a 105 pound person the 90 pound person will go faster!!!!

Mass of an object is doubled at what speed?

The speed of an object does not change if only its mass is doubled. The speed of an object is determined by its velocity, which is independent of its mass. However, doubling the mass of an object will affect its momentum and kinetic energy.

Is speed relative to mass?

Speed is not directly relative to mass. An object's speed is determined by its velocity, which is a measure of both the speed and direction of its motion. While mass can affect an object's acceleration and how it responds to external forces, it does not directly determine its speed.

How does the mass of a toy car affect its speed going down a ramp?

The mass of a toy car affects its speed going down a ramp by influencing its acceleration. A heavier toy car will typically accelerate slower than a lighter one due to increased inertia. However, once in motion, the mass of the car does not significantly affect its speed on the ramp, assuming air resistance and friction are minimal.

How can the speed of an object can be changed?

The speed of an object can be changed by applying a force to it in the direction of motion. Increasing the force will accelerate the object, while reducing the force will slow it down. Additionally, changing the mass of the object will also affect its speed.

You have 125 pennies the average penny has a mass of 2.50 g what is the total mass of the pennies?


How Does the mass of an object affect the speed with which it falls?

The mass of an object does not affect the speed at which it falls. In a vacuum, all objects fall at the same rate regardless of their mass, a concept known as the equivalence principle. However, in real-world conditions, air resistance can affect the fall speed of objects with different masses, but to a very small extent.