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No, quite the contrary.

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Q: Does math rot your brains
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Does bebo rot your brains?

I don't think so!!

Why isn't a snowman very smart math?

A snowman isn't very smart at anything, because he has no brains.

Why are boys good at math?

Well technically boys are supposed to do better at math because they have more logical brains but it doesn't mean girls will always do worse than boys.

Are faries made of pie?

Are you just being silly? The food, most likely noit, as they would rot or be eaten quickly. The math formula is the making of math, so really, kind of.

What does reasoning mean in the math term?

Reasoning means the same, whether in maths or elsewhere. It is using your brains in a logical manner.

Why do you have to learn math if you have calculators?

because calculators aren't clever enough and brake or get lost whereas brains don't get lost

Does tv rot kids brains?

Although almost all research sites you can go to say that it does actually rot your brain, sending "Alpha Rays" to the left side of the brain, etc, etc. What I think is that TV doesn't rot your brain, it just replaces thinking with something that DOESN'T reduce your IQ, but just doesn't build it. So, TV does NOT rot your brain, it just replaces thinking.

What kind of instrument might a scientist use to solve a math problem?

Scientists will generally use their brains to solve math or other problems. Once they have established the mathematical formula to be solved, they would use a computer or (scientific) calculator to evaluate the math problem and get a solution.

When was Rot an der Rot Abbey created?

Rot an der Rot Abbey was created in 1126.

What does Rot mean in German?

red = rot in German Rot, as in "rot in hell" = faulen, vergammeln

Is rot a proper word?

Yes, rot is a proper word.The word rot is a verb (rot, rots, rotting, rotted):Paper money will rot if you bury it in the ground without moisture protection.The word rot is a noun (uncountable, mass noun):The potatoes show some rot so we should throw them out.Some compound nouns for the noun rot: root rot, dry rot, brown rot, black rot, boll rot, etc.The noun 'rot' is sometimes used as slang for 'nonsense'.

To decay or decompose?

"rot" for example: Vegetables easily rot