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Q: Does my argument make sense is a question one would ask oneself during the process of .?
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'Does your argument make sense' is a question one would ask oneself during what process?

'Does your argument make sense' is a question one would ask oneself during the process of evaluating and refining their own thoughts and ideas. It prompts reflection on the logical coherence and persuasiveness of one's argument.

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Many men like to wear after shave as it is useful in preventing cuts or infections. Cutting oneself during the shaving process is common, so protection in the form of after shave is often used.

Why During the argument one of the teachers says Martha is Mexican what does that mean in the scholarship jacket?

In "The Scholarship Jacket," when one of the teachers mentions that Martha is Mexican during the argument, it underscores the racial discrimination faced by Martha. This implies that her ethnicity is being unfairly used against her in the decision-making process for the scholarship, reflecting the broader theme of social injustice and bias in the story.

During the course of the argument in Section you of Sweat?

Sykes is having an affair

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Peter Zenger

What do you learn during the course of the argument in Section I of Sweat?

Sykes is having an affair.

Will he ever call after an argument?

It depends on how you relate to him during times of a non argument. If he usually iniates contact then after an argument will be no different. Keep in mind it could be hours, days, weeks, etc but if has ever or currently does care he will contact you.

What was an argument of the federalists?

The argument of the Anti-Federalists was against a strong central government. They feared it would destroy the liberties Americans secured during the Revolutionary War.

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I have asked a question and waiting for the answer to come

Why can't you come up with something to say during an argument with your girlfriend?

Because most of the time in an argument the girl wont fight about it unless she knows she's right

What was the anti federalists argument?

The argument of the Anti-Federalists was against a strong central government. They feared it would destroy the liberties Americans secured during the Revolutionary War.