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Q: Does negative slope go up or down?
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How do you know when to go up or down on a slope?

If the y value in Y/X is a negative.

What does it mean for a line to have a negative slope?

If a line has a negative slope it is going 'down hill' and if it has a positive slope it is going 'up hill'

Which of the following are the correct properties of slope?

A.Lines that are equally steep should have the same slope.B.The slope of a steep line should be bigger than the slope of a flat line.D.Lines that go up from left to right should have a positive slope.E.Lines that go down from left to right should have a negative slope.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B.The slope of a flat line should be close to 0.C.The slope of a flat line is smaller than the slope of a steep line.E.A negative slope means that the line moves down from left to right

When the right side point is lower than the left side point what is the sign of the slope?

The sign of the slope is negative because going from left to right the slope decreases or goes down. If the slope were to increase or go up, the sign would be positive. Hope I helped! SLS

What does slope describe?

the change of rise over run. a positive slope goes up and a negative slope goes down

Why is it easier to go down the slope than up the slope?

Gravity helps you move down the slope but works against you on the way up.

Why is it easier to go down a slope than up a slope?

Gravity helps you move down the slope but works against you on the way up.

Does Does a steep line have a negative slope?

This is unrelated. A steep line has a LARGE slope. The slope is positive if the line goes up from left to right; negative if it goes down from left to right.

What is the trend of a graph?

The trend of a graph is the slope of any line on the graph that indicated a positive or growth factor and/or a negative or decaying factor. If the slope goes negative, the graph's line will go down thus indicating decay. If the slope becomes positive, the graph's line will go up thus indicating growth.

Does a steep line always have a negative slope?

A line doesn't have a negative slope if it's steep or not. Possitive and negative slope is determined by the way it goes up or down. When you look at a line from the left to the right, if it gets higher as you get closer to the right, then it has a positive slope. On the other hand, if you also look at it from left to right and the line goes down as it nears the right side, it has a negative slope. If the line is horizontal, it has a slope of 0. If the line is vertical, it has no slope.

Why is it easier to go down a slope than up the slope?

It is easier to go down a slope because gravity helps to pull you downwards, providing momentum and requiring less energy. Going up a slope requires you to work against gravity, making it more difficult and tiring.

Does a steep line have a negative slope?

Yes, a steep line typically has a negative slope. The slope of a line represents the rate at which the line is increasing or decreasing. In the case of a steep line that is sloping downwards from left to right, the slope is considered negative.