Yes, it is a point on the slide rule. It is exact and not a decimal number.
pi is equal to 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105...., pi is actually a endless mathematical ratio. pi is sometimes approximated by 22 over 7.
It doesn't exist. The maximum value of the cosine is 1.00, so no angle can have a cosine of (pi), because (pi) is more than 3.
Area of a circle = pi*radius2
Oh, dude, that's not quite right. To find the diameter of a circle, you actually need to divide the circumference by π (pi), which is approximately 3.14159. So, you divide the circumference by pi, not multiply by 0.31831. Math can be tricky, but hey, that's why calculators exist, right?
Circumference = (Diameter) x (pi)
pi does not exist because pie is round so tell your teacher that pi does not exist
3.14.....if you round it up...this is actually standard...pi actually goes on forever, but this is the standard number for pi.
cause pi is allways around us and without it we would probley die
A pi-H ion doesn't exist. It is an error or confusion.
Eg: Pi x diameter = Circumference. It is just the rule you stick by.
pi is equal to 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105...., pi is actually a endless mathematical ratio. pi is sometimes approximated by 22 over 7.
It doesn't exist. The maximum value of the cosine is 1.00, so no angle can have a cosine of (pi), because (pi) is more than 3.
It's the diameter times pi.
Area of a circle = pi*radius2
xlog10 = x This is a simple rule of logs, because log(base10)10 = 1. Any value multiplied by one equals itself. So pi*log10 = pi(1) = pi.
Super awesome actually!
Yes if pi=22/7.