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No that would be a line

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Q: Does plane have infinite length but no width no thickness and no endpoints?
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A Has infinite length and length but no thickness?

A point has no length, width, or thickness. A line has infinite length but no width or thickness. A plane has infinite length and width but no thickness.

What is a flat surface that has infinite length and width but no thickness or height?

A plane

Does a line have infinite length?

A line does have infinite length because it exists on an infinite plane. The only time it does not have infinite length is when it is a line segment.

What is area of plane in math?

In general, the plane is infinite in length and breadth and so infinite in area.

What has length and width but no thickness?

A plane figure

What is it called that is described as a flat surface with an infinite length and width but no depth?

A flat surface with an infinite length and width but no depth is called a plane.

What is a plane made up of sides joined at endpoints?

A plane is made up of an infinite number of sides (lines) that are joined at endpoints. This creates a flat surface that extends infinitely in all directions. Each side of a plane is defined by two points.

What has infinite width and length and can be determined by 3 points?


What has infinite width and length and can be determined by three points?

A plane.

What geometry term goes with Has infinite length and width but no height?


What is power of plane glass sheet?

it is zero . Power = 1/focal length The focal length of a plane glass or mirror is infinite, therfore power is zero

What are the three undefined terms in geometry and their definitions?

The point, the line and the plane are the 3 undefined terms.The point, has no dimension. We represent a point with a do but it really has no size meaning it has has no length, width, or thickness. A point is usually designated with a capital letter. In the coordinate plane, a point is named by an ordered pair, (x,y).A line has no thickness but its length extends in one dimension and goes on forever in both directions. It is made up of an infinite number of points. We usually use a single lower case letter to denote a line, or we pick two points on the line and often draw a line segment above them.Last, a plane has no thickness but extends indefinitely in all directions. You might think of it as an infinite number of lines.The reason I mention that a plane can be thought of as infinite lines and a line as infinite number of points is to see how one undefined term leads to the next and then that one to the last.