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Q: Does positive and negative time axis exist?
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How can you find the direction of motion from a distance x axis and time y axis graph?

To find the direction of motion from a distance x axis and time y axis graph, look at the slope of the graph. A positive slope indicates motion in the positive direction, while a negative slope indicates motion in the negative direction. A horizontal line indicates stationary motion.

What does a positive times a negitive?

Positive time negative = Negative.

What is a Negative time a negative?


If you multiply a negative by a negative is it a positive?

Yes, any time you multiply a negative by a negative, it automatically becomes a positive.

Is a positive divided by a positive equal a positive?

Yes, the only time a quotient is negative is when a negative and a positive number are divided.

Is a negative time a negative equals a positive?

No. It is actually a negative. Yes it is positive. Previous answer was incorrect. Negative times negative = positive. example: -5 x -5 = +25

What does a positive slope mean in a position versus time graph?

Assuming position is on the y axis and time is on the x axis, a positive slope means the position has increased over time.

What is the sign of the product of 11 negative integers and 2 positive integers?

The 2 positive integers don't affect the sign. Every time you multiply by a negative number, the sign changes, so you have negative, positive, negative, positive... Since the number of negative numbers is odd, the end result is negative.The 2 positive integers don't affect the sign. Every time you multiply by a negative number, the sign changes, so you have negative, positive, negative, positive... Since the number of negative numbers is odd, the end result is negative.The 2 positive integers don't affect the sign. Every time you multiply by a negative number, the sign changes, so you have negative, positive, negative, positive... Since the number of negative numbers is odd, the end result is negative.The 2 positive integers don't affect the sign. Every time you multiply by a negative number, the sign changes, so you have negative, positive, negative, positive... Since the number of negative numbers is odd, the end result is negative.

What is a negative slope on a velocity-time graph indicates the object is down?

A negative slope on a velocity-time graph indicates that the object is moving in the opposite direction of the positive velocity axis. For example, if the slope is negative, the object is moving in the negative direction.

What happens to a object if the line crosses the x-axis from the positive portion of a velocity versus time diagram?

Its velocity becomes negative. That is, it starts moving back towards its starting point.

The product of two negative numbers is a what number?

negative time negative equal positive

Does a positive time a positive equal a positive?

A positive number multiplied by another positive number yields a positive number. A negative number multiplied by another negative number also yields a positive number. Only multiplying a negative number by a positive number (or the other way around) yields a negative number as the product.