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Q: Does positive predictive value depend on prevalence of the disease?
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it may have to depend on the type of disease it is....

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The answer will depend on what the disease is.

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0.44 is a number, and it is positive. Whether it is "strong" would depend on the context.

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The specific opportunistic infections that AIDS patients develop depend in part on the prevalence of these infections in the geographic area in which the patient lives. See related link.

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No. The product of a negative number and a positive number is always negative.

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No, skin color does not depend on the existence of some disease. However, skin color might be an indication of some diseases.

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The odds depend partially on the type of diabetes.

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That would completely depend on what the disease is. Though often times using an artemisinin derivative is used to fight parasite-borne diseases.

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"Slender" typically carries a neutral connotation, describing someone or something as slim or slender in appearance. It is not necessarily positive or negative on its own, but can depend on the context in which it is used.

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That will depend on the two integers that you use. The result could be any of negative, zero or positive.

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There is no definitive answer to this question as it would depend on the prevalence of the name "Shayenne" and the number of people named Shayenne in different regions or cultures. It is not a commonly used name, so the number of individuals with this name is likely limited.

If your negative number is added to a positive number what should your answer be positive oe negative?

Depend on which is larger, that will determine whether your answer is positive or negative. For example -9 + 3 = -6. Polarity (so to speak) will be the larger value.